We are reaching out to spread our mission via social networking - we will be sharing our mission and how our many programs have helped people in our community.
Mid is a community action, non-profit agency.
We were established in 1965 as a part of Lyndon B. Johnson's "War on Poverty" which worked to develop positive solutions to poverty. The main purpose of our agency is to provide diverse services and programs that will have an postive impact on indivudals, families, the elderly and disadvantaged populations of Nebraska. Throughout the history of the organization the agency has established solid programs that benefit the entire community. Head Start, WIC, Weatherization, Commodity Supplemental Food Program, transportation, immunization clinics, Food Bank, case management, affordable housing, micro-loans, and senior centers are the major programs that we operate. Ninety-five percent of total revenues from Mid-Nebraska are applied to direct program services.
Our Mission
"Helping people, changing lives, and making communities a better place to live."
The Community Action Brand Promise
Community Action changes people's lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live. We care about the entire community and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other.
So - visit often, link to us, and hear how we positively affect lives and how you can be part of our fight against poverty!
So - visit often, link to us, and hear how we positively affect lives and how you can be part of our fight against poverty!
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