Audrey was referred to Community Action Partnerhship of Mid-Nebraska late in August 2010, unable to pay her rent. Audrey is a 21 year old single mom, with a full time job, a child under a year old, with no child support. Audrey’s hours had been cut and she felt the only option left to pay bills was to get a cash advance. By the time we met she was visiting 3 cash advance places every payday and falling farther behind.
Over the past 5 months we have worked closely together, sometimes meeting twice a week. Several funding sources have pitched in to help with rent and utilities. It seems each time she nears self-sufficiency; there is another bump in the road. Since meeting, Audrey has had her wages garnished and bank account emptied, and has faced large car repair, along with a worker’s comp claim for carpal tunnel.
Audrey remains positive and dedicated to being ‘debt free’, meticulously following a budget! She has a high desire to succeed in all areas of life and has taken advantage of Financial Peace Classes and has completed the Food Education Program through UNL. Audrey has applied to the Early Head Start program in hopes of giving her wonderful son a jumpstart on life while reducing her enormous daycare expenses.
Without the varied resources available and our continued contact, Audrey told me she would “just give up.” Thank you to all who support Community Action, each of you play a very important part in
Helping People and Changing Lives.
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